Protected Classes

August 2024 Coach's Quiz

July 22, 2024    


A private—that is, non-federally funded—landlord in California, which has legalized both medical and recreational use marijuana, catches two tenants smoking pot in the clubhouse in violation of the community’s anti-drug use policy. Tenant A...

Must You Make Reasonable Accommodations for Legalized Medical Marijuana?

July 22, 2024    

Follow 11 rules for handling requests for medical marijuana use.



July 2024 Coach's Quiz

June 24, 2024    


A tenant screening company recommends denying an applicant on the basis of a prior eviction. The attached eviction records show that the former landlord sought to evict the tenant for violating its zero-tolerance domestic violence policy after she was...

Avoid Discrimination When Using AI-Based Tenant Screening Services

June 24, 2024    

HUD warns landlords about their liability risks.



Tenant screening has become a $1 billion industry. Like many landlords across America, you may look to third-party screening companies to gather and analyze key information about rental prospects and issue a...

June 2024 Coach's Quiz

May 23, 2024    


A landlord committed to fair housing compliance instructs its ad platform provider to ensure that its digital advertising reaches the broadest possible audience. The ad platform uses audience selection tools based on machine learning functions that target ads...

HUD to Landlords: Make Sure Your Digital Ads Don’t Discriminate

May 23, 2024    

Follow our five best practices when using AI-based digital ad platforms.



Savvy use of digital media for marketing purposes can be a game changer for landlords. But it can also get them into fair housing trouble. The same artificial intelligence (AI) and...

May 2024 Coach's Quiz

April 19, 2024    


Your community’s fitness center offers pilates classes for tenants. After reading studies showing that pilates classes are dangerous for kids, you implement a new rule banning children under age 18 from participating in the classes. Is this a legitimate...

Do Your Fitness Center Rules Discriminate Against Children and the Disabled?

April 19, 2024    

Overly restrictive safety rules may have unintended discriminatory effects.



FHA Trends: How New “Protected Classes” Impact Your Liability Risks

March 15, 2024    

We explain practical measures you can take in light of five emerging trends.



March 2024 Coach's Quiz

February 23, 2024    


In response to a neighbor’s complaints about odors coming from a tenant’s apartment, you reenter the unit and discover stacks of moldy newspapers, open food containers, unwashed clothing, and other debris strewn about, including in places where...

Take 9 Steps When Dealing with Tenant Hoarders

February 23, 2024    

Here’s how to avoid disability discrimination when seeking to evict tenants for hoarding.



February 2024 Coach's Quiz

January 23, 2024    


One of your on-site maintenance employees believes that anybody who works in IT must be a nerd. So, he subjects a tenant who works in the IT department of a local corporation to a constant stream of “anti-nerd” abuse and harassment. All of the...