Online Alerts

Michigan Landlord Settles VAWA, Fair Housing Allegations

July 3, 2024    

HUD recently announced that it has entered into a Conciliation Agreement with Michigan landlord resolving allegations that it denied housing to a woman because of her disability and status as a survivor under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The woman alleged that the landlord didn’t...

COACH's Pop Quiz!

May 30, 2024    

HUD recently issued guidance warning landlords of their fair housing liability risks when using digital advertising platforms that utilize artificial intelligence (AI). What’s the best strategy for a landlord who deems it highly beneficial to use an AI-based ad platform to manage the...

Criminal Conviction Restrictions for Fair Housing Testers: HUD’s Final Rule

May 1, 2024    

Fair housing testers working with Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) grantees and Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) agencies are used to identify systemic biases in the housing industry. These testers mimic real-world housing transactions to uncover racial, gender, and other forms of...

Tennessee Owners Guilty of Disability Discrimination, VAWA Noncompliance

April 2, 2024    

HUD recently announced that it has entered into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA) with HUD-funded Tennessee housing providers that will pay $50,000 in compensation to the aggrieved parties. The VCA resolves findings of noncompliance related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973...

COACH's Pop Quiz!

March 4, 2024    

Q: In response to a neighbor’s complaints about odors coming from a tenant’s apartment, you enter the unit and discover stacks of moldy newspapers, open food containers, unwashed clothing, and other debris strewn about, including...

Montana Property Manager Charged with Retaliation

February 5, 2024    

HUD recently charged a Montana landlord and property manager for retaliating against a tenant for exercising her fair housing rights. The retaliatory behavior included coercion, intimidation, threats, or interference in violation of Section 818 of the Fair Housing Act. The Fair Housing Act...

Can Landlords Be Held Responsible for Broker’s Source of Income Discrimination Against Prospects?

January 25, 2024    

In cities and states where source of income is protected under local fair housing laws, the answer is yes.

Proposed Rule Would Remove Criminal Conviction Restrictions for Fair Housing Testers

December 5, 2023    

To investigate whether screening policies are discriminatory, HUD wants agencies to use testers with actual criminal backgrounds.


COACH's Pop Quiz!

November 1, 2023    

Q: Your property is located in San Antonio where local ordinance bans military status discrimination. A naval officer has been assigned to a new base and needs a one-bedroom apartment right away. The only one-bedroom apartment that’s...

High-End Real Estate Brokers Sued for Source of Income Discrimination

October 4, 2023    

In New York City, a woman with a Section 8 voucher recently sued real estate firm Douglas Elliman and 35 of its agents “for failing to help her find low incoming housing.” The lawsuit, filed in federal court, claims she sent emails to the agents asking for help finding Section 8...

Fair Housing Violations Get More Costly

September 5, 2023    

Earlier this year, HUD published inflation-adjusted civil penalty amounts for individuals or companies that were found to have violated a variety of different housing-related laws, including the federal Fair Housing Act.

Don't Use ChatGPT for Marketing Purposes

August 2, 2023    

Hidden flaws in the technology can expose you to fair housing liability.

Like other real estate businesses, you may be using ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, and other generative AI products, a.k.a. chatbots, for marketing purposes, such as developing advertising strategies, analyzing...