2012 Exhibitors
Company Name | Web Address | Booth # |
Acadiana Addiction Center | www.acadianaaddictioncenter.com | 412 |
Alkermes, Inc. | www.alkermes.com | 304 |
Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches | www.bhpalmbeach.com | 300 |
BHR Worldwide | www.bhrworldwide.com | 405 |
Brattleboro Retreat | www.brattlebororetreat.org | 427 |
CARF | www.carf.org | 429 |
Casa Palmera Care Center | www.casapalmera.com | 200 |
Celerity LLC | www.celerityllc.net | 301 |
Choices Counseling Center | www.choicescc.com | 311 |
Civilian Medical Corps | www.civilianmedicaljobs.com | 409 |
Destination Hope, Inc. | www.destinationhope.net | 528 |
Dominion Diagnostics | www.dominiondiagnostics.com | 408 |
FirstLab | www.firstlab.com | 307 |
Furniture Concepts | www.furnitureconcepts.com | 418 |
Hazelden | www.hazelden.org | 401 |
Hope Homes | www.hopehomesrecovery.org | 328 |
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) | www.NIAAA.NIH.gov | 507 |
New Dawn Recovery Centers | www.newdawnrecovery.com | 407 |
New Directions for Women | www.newdirectionsforwomen.org | 629 |
Netsmart Technologies | www.ntst.com | 501 |
Oxford House | www.oxfordhouse.org | 302 |
Redwood Toxicology Laboratory | www.redwoodtoxicology.com | 500 |
RES-PECT | www.res-pect.com | 325 |
reSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program | www.netaddictionrecovery.com | 406 |
Sante Center for Healing | www.santecenter.com | 419 |
Springfield College | www.springfieldcollege.edu/shs | 313 |
Summer House Detox | www.summerhousedetox.com | 519 |
Talbott Recovery Campus | www.uhsinc.com | 310 |
The Joint Commission | www.thejointcommission.org | 309 |
The Menninger Clinic | www.menningerclinic.com | 308 |
The Ranch at Dove Tree | www.ranchatdovetree.com | 305 |
The Refuge, A Healing Place | www.therefuge-ahealingplace.com | 312 |
Turning Point of Tampa | www.tpoftampa.com | 413 |
Valiant Recovery | www.valiantrecovery.com www.alcohol-addict.com |
314 |
Valley Hope Assoc- IMCSS | www.winpims.com | 400 |
Welligent, Inc. | www.welligent.com | 229 |
Withdrawal-Ease | www.withdrawal-ease.com | 318 |