2012 Exhibitors

Company Name Web Address Booth #
Acadiana Addiction Center www.acadianaaddictioncenter.com 412
Alkermes, Inc. www.alkermes.com 304
Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches www.bhpalmbeach.com 300
BHR Worldwide www.bhrworldwide.com 405
Brattleboro Retreat www.brattlebororetreat.org 427
CARF www.carf.org 429
Casa Palmera Care Center www.casapalmera.com 200
Celerity LLC www.celerityllc.net 301
Choices Counseling Center www.choicescc.com 311
Civilian Medical Corps www.civilianmedicaljobs.com 409
Destination Hope, Inc. www.destinationhope.net 528
Dominion Diagnostics www.dominiondiagnostics.com 408
FirstLab www.firstlab.com 307
Furniture Concepts www.furnitureconcepts.com 418
Hazelden www.hazelden.org 401
Hope Homes www.hopehomesrecovery.org 328
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) www.NIAAA.NIH.gov 507
New Dawn Recovery Centers www.newdawnrecovery.com 407
New Directions for Women www.newdirectionsforwomen.org 629
Netsmart Technologies www.ntst.com 501
Oxford House www.oxfordhouse.org 302
Redwood Toxicology Laboratory www.redwoodtoxicology.com 500
RES-PECT www.res-pect.com 325
reSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program www.netaddictionrecovery.com 406
Sante Center for Healing www.santecenter.com 419
Springfield College www.springfieldcollege.edu/shs 313
Summer House Detox www.summerhousedetox.com 519
Talbott Recovery Campus www.uhsinc.com 310
The Joint Commission www.thejointcommission.org 309
The Menninger Clinic www.menningerclinic.com 308
The Ranch at Dove Tree www.ranchatdovetree.com 305
The Refuge, A Healing Place www.therefuge-ahealingplace.com 312
Turning Point of Tampa www.tpoftampa.com 413
Valiant Recovery www.valiantrecovery.com
Valley Hope Assoc- IMCSS www.winpims.com 400
Welligent, Inc. www.welligent.com 229
Withdrawal-Ease www.withdrawal-ease.com 318